would all the stupid idiotic brainless humans stop irritating me!?!?!?!
want me to study, but making my life so miserable.. think b4 u act!! how difficult is it to just go through your actions in ur mind b4 making them?? how difficult is it to talk to ppl first to confirm b4 just bulldozing ur way through thinking u r the right and the smartest one!!!!!!!!!!
U ppl are so lucky i am who i am now.. or else.......say hello to the old tim..
i need to focus..but i friends are more important to me than myself.. is that bad or good??
for those of u who know what i mean, know that i'm here for you..praying..and holding back my anger to avoid things from getting worse.. for those are the predetor..of cos u wont know its u, start thanking God i have learnt to forgive and forget..