There i was.. sitting by the door at my place..feeling the warm, hot afternoon breeze whipping my face as it sweaty forearm stuck to my test pad, and my ass sweating on the surface of that hard wooden chair..
The sound of my teacher humming gibberish about "pembentukan
Dreaming, looking outside, i watched as the trees and plants sway right and left..the cars passing by, and the birds flying in the air..
It all seemed like a perfect dream.. A sticky one too.. Time seemed to move so second at a time.. worst part is, its 15 minutes more till I can escape this pitthole (school).. BUT…..,its like I can run thousands of miles in that second the red hand moves..
10 minutes more.. and SUDDENLY.., “oh shit”..i woke up from my dream.. I only had a few days left to cover so many many subjects.. Suddenly I am back in the world..realising that days had just passed without much done.. so much for seconds going by slowly..
Lucky for me, this only happens during history the afternoon..haha.. other than that, I am catching up with my studies most of the time..
Face it.. life has its “ups” and “downs”.. also “slows” and “fasts”..coll eh..(c what stress can do to students)
Gtg.. chasing time..second session..its chemistry now..yikes..molecular formular..halogens..alcohols..darn..