Wednesday, March 11, 2009

SPM results..!!!

Taking results.. My brain starts to run on how i will be taking mine next year..

1. Going to school with a smile on my face.. knowing that a future of bright light open up before me.. To know and look back saying I have done the best at the given time and have completed my race..
Most importantly, to have the confidence that i have glorified His name even in my studies..(my biggest trial)

2. To have a sleepless night before, thinking of the smiles of faces who did well..and how i have to hide mine.. to answer in shame as everybody asks me my results.. to come back and hear my parents say, "its ok..we'll find another way".. And worse, to feel that regret of not listening to the advise given to me..the regret of not pushing and giving it a

Hopefully i will be able to look forward to my results.. At least a little bit..sigh..creeps to think of it..


Well.. now we have protests on PPSMI..lucky for me this is my last year of schooling, and very soon will be out of this sucky education system.. God wiling i don't come back for form 6..

Teaching of science and math in English has been implemented since 5 years..min.. and so much money has been spent on much changes in schools has come out of it.. And now.., we have so many smart alec who wants to protests against it.. Imagine.. FRU units on guard, tear gases and water canons.. Just for a small problem.. man.. No country can beat my beloved Malaysia..

Here are some reasons why i support teaching of science and math in English..

If we are to change it back to BM...waste of money.. The education ministry will have to organize ceramah after ceramah to help teacher be able to teach better.. Not that it helps in improving the teaching standards.. Many irresponsible teachers will take it as an opportunity for a holiday retreat.. get their whole family to go with them, and claim as much from the goverment.. Not only ceramah.. CD teachers use for classes will also have to change.. new CD for all.. same stupid usual.. subjects in tertiary education are all in English.! and english is a world accepted language.. why drive the students nuts to learn all new terms in English when it comes to tertiary education?? Just to memartabatkan bahasa melayu??? Its not that i am against bm.. its just that its sad to see people living in ignaronce when common sense can show you the light.. Other countries are trying to catch up and brush up on their English.. China professors and doctors are trying to speak English.. everybody wants to improve, and here we are protesting against something good.. where is the relevence..

Books.. when language changes, every book has to change.. new sylabbus..revision books, exercise books, and even text books.. Dah la goverment giving free text books to all.. where to get money to print so many million coppies..?? And in this bad economic resession wan us to but new set of books?? When PPSMI first started, i had to throw away all the books passed down to me.. and now, i might have to throw all the books i plan to pass down to my sis.. I'm in some serious screwed up education system..

I'm tired.. tired of writting on something so stupid.. just gonna pray that our smart minister will know how to make his stand..