Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Teachers Day

this is dedicated to all the teachers who "in my opinion" has helped me..(not every teacher is helpful) i know its early..but mid term is during the i'll just post it up first..

A guide to grow,
A map to maturity.

An eye to monitor,
An ear to listen.

A desire to help,
A heart to teach.

A mouth to nag,
A hand to smack.

What else can we ask of our teachers.
What else can they give when it's all perfect.

A name born with them, TEACHER.

something in my mind for all thy teachers.. A.amelia, A.peh lan, U.koay, U.ti peng, U yeang boon and to those i forgot..(hopefully none) A special thanks to all of you..wished teachers day was not during mid term..then can have something more special then just a post..sigh..

Anyway, my deepest gratitude to thy almighty teacher, Jesus. "heaven and earth will fade, but My word will still remain" amen..

twisted malaysia??

one question before i write anything.. Why do we learn history?? Well, according to form one history text book, its to "membangunkan semangat patriotisme" and "menghargai jasa pahlawan" etc..

Therefor, to my next question mark.. why in the world 3 chapters of form4 history is about Nabi Muhammad?? It's not wrong or anything..actually i don't mind reading it..(quite interesting).. but the question is what has it got to do with Malaysia and patriotism? the connection is not there at all.. even if there is a connection to Malaysia, it's definately not stated in any part of the 3 chapters..

All i read is about how great Nabi Muhammad was, and how great the Islam empire was.. all the great strategies, the good attitude and so on.. The Muslims who "berhijrah" to Madinah were fighting all out with the "Yahudi" for hak sama rata.. And many servants who were touchered by their employers accepted Islam because of its equality.. And yet, in malaysia we have such a thing as ketuanan melayu.. special scholarships for Bumiputera and even tanah rezab melayu! some equality...

Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia(JAKIM) made such a big fuss with The Herold for using the word Allah.. one of the always heard reason is that this may confuse the Muslims who read them.. where the heck did this lame reason come up also i don't know.. They don't even have confidence that their followers are mature and steadfast?? then how about us? everymorn listen to bacaan doa..afternoon..before class..during come we don't say it'll confuse us?

But all the way to bragging about ur religion in integrated curriculum??? hmmmm..i don't know..
I'm offence or anything..but i just cant seem to understand the whole pict..can some kind hearted soul pop by and explain or correct me.. thanks..