Monday, September 28, 2009


Truly, truly, history is HIS-STORY... as people say, facts are facts, but not truths.. facts are opened to subjective thinking, interpretation and judgment..

Somehow, in our history syllabus, agama Islam is polished and smothered to shine like anything! Islam is the greatest, everything in Islam is right.. honestly, i'm ok with it.. i understand that one is of cos proud to b a believer to his religion.. but, here comes the problem.. other relegions are downgraded in the process..

When they talk about how Portuguese came and conquered Melaka, they associated to how they came with their slogan "Gold, Gospel, Glory".. everything of the Portuguese is bad.. when British is concerned, we are made to memorize factor-faktor penentangan British.. things like meghapuskan adat pehambaan and pendidikan tradisional.. If one was to study and put some thinking into what we read, it is obviously biased.. Eg, it is ok for Acheh to "menaungi" tanah Melayu to "menghalang agama Kristian dari disebarkan ke kawasan pedalaman".. its ok for Johor-Riau to menawan Melaka to prevent Christianity.. put the same purpose for the portuguese and brit, wouldnt it be for a good purpose in their eyes?? as my dad said in his sermon..fairness is just an earthly principle.. what is fair to one side is unfair to another.. it works the same here.. so its just so stupid of out education to put down other religions..

This is why so many of out students come out so narrow minded.. and education has come to a state where its just memorizing..not questioning and thinking in other perspective..wierd.. we dont even thank British for bringing in proper education.. a proper education structures.. missionary office.. neh.. Brit is seen as crushing their adat resam and budaya..

His story.. that is what it is to me.. yes, things i learn now has happened..but they way out writters put it out is just so myopic.. shame on us..


The world is soooooo bigggg..

at this very moment, babies are born, people are dying..some are starving, crying for food, some are trying so hard not to throw away their over ordered food..some are happily spending time with their families, some families are at the verge of abomination..some people are loking for a purpose of living, some have given up, contemplating suicide.. someare happy to know their first baby is in her, some are struggling to get an illegal abortion upon their oopsie baby.. some are seeking God, some are running away from Him.. some are chasing after their earthly dreams, some just give up and live day by day..

how wide the world is.. how things can small decisions can lead to millions of different life simple decisions can bring one's destruction.. how cheap life can seem to some, and how fast we can loose close ones..

now that i have put out all the bullet train thoughts out, my life seems so blessed.. i want to help ppl..i want to give others the same experienced that changed me tremendously.. is it idleism as my parents told me? is it just a move of emotional inertia due to current events? or izit something genuine in me? i think i'm going crazy...