My life..
Help..!!!!! I've got no where to land on.. still drags on no matter how much excitement and fun u put into it. Why must things be so difficult on me? Studies, personal matters,character building, further education, spiritual life...its just too much for my lump of brain. I spend more time thinking than practicing. Believe it anot, i can spend 2 hours in bed just thinking. Thoughts of various "important matter" to me just zoom past my mind one after another never failing to make me feel more and more useless. As my end year exam is coming just round the corner, i'm feeling very stressed out. Top 5..Top 5..Top 5... Well,thats what you will hear out of my dad if u were his son. I want to do well as well..but being pressured like that is not how u encourage people. How would i feel if i dint get top 5 in class?? Wont i feel like a useless jerk off?? With a super hardworking sis at home who does everything she's asked, and an acing sis who is studying overseas, i feel upset that i cant make my parents happy.. Things are just going on too fast and hard on me. Not to mention problems at school....,that would take a whole day to type out.. Anyway..,time to go back chasing life..
Tips in life..? Feel free to throw them at me.. Thanks