Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yikes...i'm dying.. physically and mentally..yeah..emotionally too..

Physically... The HEAT is killing me..the earth suddenly seems hotter than usual.! I can't even sleep in peace..sleeping is suppose to be a time where my body rest and rejuvenate..how is my body suppose to do that when i perspire and sweat more in sleep than when i am awake?? And my sleeping hours are getting odd..terrible..

Mentally... This rat race is cutting the years out of me..For all those smokers out there who wanna die faster, just study hard.. its cheaper and the effect is faster..haha.. I've got so much to do..!! so much to catch up..suddenly everything seems important..suddenly i'm back from my-own-world trip..days are counting by, white hairs are sprouting by.. Feels like i'm on a death sentence..

Emotionally.. well, if the other two are down, deffinately this one will be too.. But, there is always a contribution to each factor.. Something i took 17 years to learn.. Friends come and go..People change, and loyal friends are hard to come by.. Suddenly you feel like you're all alone..left, right, top bottom, its just a vast plain field that you cant see the end..What is there more to say..being different is going against the flow..and this is the consequence..

But...... i still have my joy..:) something no body or thing can take away.. Something i got for free and never regretted accepting it.. Jesus Christ..too bad not everybody has it..sigh..