Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ganguro.. a Japanese rebellion fashion said to have hit its hay days in 2000.. But now, its spreading to the west..haha..

What exactly is this ganguro.. its just a fashion to show revenge against traditional Japanese society due to resentment of neglect, isolation, and constraint of Japanese society.. the Ganguro fashion is also said to be a way for self-expression and personality..haha..

here is an example of the ganguro fashion..

she looks extremely weird.. ppl who practice this fashion are known as manba.. funny.. to be a manba, tan your skin with cream, wear blue contacts, dye your hair with neon flourecent colours, white lipstick, and white eyeliner.. the fashion also goes well with white glitter..

here comes the weird part.. teens in UK and US have already picked it up..and some say they hate being white! here we are, hiding from the sun to keep fair, there they are taning themselves with creams! one girl in UK said she has to use coffee powder to get darker tan.. funny world i live in..