Monday, July 19, 2010


Efficiency - performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort

Based on that definition alone, once again school has failed..

Firstly. schooling students wake up on average at say 6.30? At school by about 7.15. KSAH has a policy whereby we have to "berhimpun mengikut tingkatan setiap pagi". Apparently its to give important announcement. The regular procedure is school song, bacaan doa, "announcements". most of the time, these announcements are just teachers who r mike-crazy. Talk crap for 10 minutes, commenting on trivial insignificant matters of no importance at all! By the time we get to class and settle down, waiting for teacher to come, 8.10. from 6.30 to 8.10, an hour and 40 mins gone. POOF! efficient, ZERO!

A week ago, one of d announcements was that form6 (pre-university) students are not allowed to sit in class during recess anymore. the reason was, other forms in d school had to stay out from classes during recess. so it was not fair that we r allowed to stay in class. 10.20 to 10.50, out of class. POOF! 30 mins gone. Before this policy was implemented, many preU students would b in class during recess either resting or studying while eating in class. Now, many hang around d empty plot of land nearby which is impossible to do anything but eat while standing and lazing around. efficiency, ZERO!

Today, right at 10.50 they made an announcement. "rehat dilanjutkan hingga 11.30". Wow! beat that. this is my school:) so extra recess for everyone. The school was in havoc. imagine this. NO TEACHERS around! all of them had some very very very important meeting that could not wait till recess had to be prolonged. From my class i heard windows breaking. d block opposite looked like a zoo where students were running up and down. a group of good-for-nothing students decided to come by the preU block and play with all d fire extinguishers around d block. RM10,000 POOF! BYE BYE! efficiency, ZERO!

Every week, we have 2 periods of RnD (research and development) . sounds like a good policy right there. u should here teacher explaining about it. gave our school that WOW factor. But since school started for us, nothing has been done. So its now, Rehat dan Duduk. hows that for RnD. some smart Alec in d teacher's department thought since RnD hasnt started, it would b smart for d school to use d students for some labor work. and so, 2 classes were chosen to spray "hak milik kerajaan" on new bought tables. Efficiency, a tinny bit for d school. on our side, ZERO!

Many more cases in which efficiency have been d lowest it can get. Too many examples. if i shared all, it wouldnt b efficient anymore as i think my point has got across.

D thing that bothers me here is, d school still treats us like kids. Dude. its called Pre-University for a bloody reason! dont push us around like we have a hollow skull with a pile of dung in it.


At July 19, 2010 at 11:51 PM , Blogger danielchowtzeyoong said...


At July 20, 2010 at 7:30 AM , Blogger AJ7 said...

Ha! Ha! Why not ask the teacher in charge of Form 6? See what he says.... or whether hell speak on all your behalf. But I agree with you on many points. Efficiency is low... not zero lah, else we'd have all rotted but low.

At July 24, 2010 at 9:50 PM , Blogger Justin said...

Rehat and Duduk.....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....dude awesome wei

At July 31, 2010 at 3:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r right bout that!ZERO EFFICIENCY!!! ...thats y i hate going 2 school... every time always like paksaan belajar.School nowadays juz like an organisation transits before we got a job~it doesn't matter what kind job as long as we got one!!


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