Friday, September 4, 2009


keharmonian antara manusia dengan alam sekitar..(keadaan saling memerlukan hubungan yang harmoni antara manusia dan aam sekitar supaya kualiti kehidupan manusia dan alam sekitar terpelihara) That is one of the god knows how many nilai moral we have to memorize word for word.. does this brainwash of the government actually work??

while waiting for transport home from tuition just now.. a car stopped by.. out came this man from the right side of this car.. the minute his leg touched the ground, he spat.. i was like WTH.. nvm.. 3 seconds later, a woman came out from the left side.. his wife..i think.. the minute her leg touched the ground.. spit.. now i am like.. WTF..(dont mind the language pls) 2 minutes later.. a girl pass by her hands was a box of milo, and she was taking the straw out from its wrapper.. right at the time the straw was out, that very second itself the wrapper had already touched the floor.. despite having the urge to pick up the wrapper and dump it in her over-gigantic-for-tuition-bag, i hold that urge and just sighed to myself.. on my way back.. a van.. the driver reached for a cigarette bos from his pocket.. opened it, and took out a cigarette.. the same second he did that, the box was flung out of his window to the road.. @#$%^*&^%#%#$&^%#&^%@^#%&^#%^&%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is wrong with our people?? the attitude.. if u are to read carefuly, u will realise that there was no pause in their actions.. it shows that they dont even think twice or once before littering or spitting..if our government were to actually implement a law like in Singapore, our country will be rich over night due to the fines given out for spitting and littering.. as malaysians, we have a rotten attitude! that is my only conclusion.. amount of nilai moral memorizing can change it.. therefore, ABOLISH moral stuidies..!!! YEAH!!

on an unrelated note.. i realised this over a few occuring events..
If u get everything u want in each step of life, look around u.. U r not actually ALIVE!


At September 5, 2009 at 9:22 AM , Blogger AJ7 said...

To be able to open and your eyes and observe and register.. that's step 1 to what I hope will lead to a positive awakening...


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